What Students Are Telling Us About Their Mental Health

What Students Are Telling Us About Their Mental Health

While the focus on mental health has increased and it seems like students are struggling now more than ever, the reality is that most of these problems are nothing new. The difference is that we are trying to catch up with identifying when children are experiencing...
Screening with Different Age Groups

Screening with Different Age Groups

Identifying social-emotional and behavioral challenges as early as possible is the key to improving student outcomes. The sooner we know about a mental health struggle, the sooner we can implement steps to educate and care for that child, giving them a better chance...
James McDougal’s Story

James McDougal’s Story

Dr. James McDougal, a co-author of the BIMAS-2 assessment and owner of the Multi-Tiered Support Network, has been working toward improved student mental health for a long time. With a background in mental health, Jim began working with the Syracuse City School...