BIMAS-2 Assessment System

The Solution That Makes A Difference

The Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System2 (BIMAS-2) supports the analysis of students’ social, emotional and behavioral well-being through flexible testing options. It is applicable for children and adolescents ages 5 to 18 years.


BIMAS-2 brings back quick and accurate results so that intervention can begin right away.

The BIMAS Standard Form includes 34 change-sensitive items that are used for universal screening and for assessing response to intervention.The BIMAS is the only commercially available measure developed based on years of research using a scientific model called Intervention Item Selection Rules (IISRs; Meier, 1997, 1998, 2004), a process that identifies items with demonstrated change sensitivity to therapeutic interventions. 

The BIMAS Flex is an additional pool of items that provide information on specific intervention targets or goals within the five areas assessed by the Standard Form.The BIMAS offers an online web-based data management system with dynamic analysis, graphing and reporting options.This allows its users to dynamically manipulate data in real time to assist in evidence-based decision-making within a comprehensive behavior health care model of service delivery.

Standard Form Scales

Behavioral Concern scales identify risks, while Adaptive scales identify strengths and areas for improvement.

Behavioral Concern Scales

  • Conduct – anger management, bullying behaviors, substance abuse, deviance
  • Negative affect – anxiety, depression
  • Cognitive/attention – attention, focus, organization, planning, memory

Adaptive Scales

  • Social – social, communication
  • Academic functioning


The BIMAS is a brief, repeatable multi-informant measure that can be used for:

Universal Screening (UA)

Identify students who might be at risk or in need of further assessment.

Progress Monitoring (PM)

  • Monitor the effectiveness of system wide interventions such as Positive Behavior Supports (PBS) or Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curricula
  • Monitor small group or individual interventions [Behavior Support Plans, Individual Education Program (IEP) plans]

Features and Characteristics

Age range5–18 years old
Ratings provided byParent, teacher, and clinician
Self-report (ages 12–18 only)
Items in Standard Form34 change-sensitive items (Parent, teacher, or self-report)
31 items (clinician)
NormsNational standardization sample offers normative data (scale & item level). Also available is a non norm-referenced clinician’s form
Flex items10-30 items for each Standard Form item, useful in progress monitoring plans
Administration formatWeb-based and paper & pencil (administration only)
Administration time5–10 minutes
Qualification levelB-level
LanguagesStandard form available in English, Spanish and other languages for parents

BIMAS-2 Fact Sheets

The BIMAS-2 and Early Warning Systems (EWS)

By employing EWS, schools can obtain a clearer picture of students who are at risk for not completing their high school degree. This can help let schools know which students need intervention and support services.

Evaluating emotional and behavioral health and monitoring student progress are just a few of the ways that BIMAS-2 combined with EWS can help.

Download fact sheet (PDF)

MTSS, Data-based Decision Making, and the BIMAS-2

A large part of how MTS Network and BIMAS-2 operate together has to do with data-based decision making.

Data-based decision making is at the core of how the system functions, ensuring that schools are given the proper, useful information in order to help students.

Download fact sheet (PDF)

SEL (CASEL) and the BIMAS-2

BIMAS-2 can help schools both assess and support students’ Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). SEL is a necessary component of children and adolescent’s academic and behavioral success.

BIMAS-2 uses several different components in order to measure SEL, including academic performance, antisocial and aggressive behavior, depressive symptoms, drug use, mental health problem behaviors, and positive youth development.

Download fact sheet (PDF)

Trauma, ACES, and the BIMAS-2

Trauma can affect multiple facets of a child or adolescent’s well-being, including their performance in school. That’s why BIMAS-2 is able to take Adverse Childhood Events (ACES) into consideration when determining their need for intervention as well.

BIMAS-2 can detect early negative symptoms of trauma and how schools can help course-correct in order to foster student success.

Download fact sheet (PDF)

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